A further walk-through example (using StanSample.jl)

Make StanSample.jl available:

using Distributions
using DataFrames
using MonteCarloMeasurements, AxisKeys
using StanSample

Include Distributions.jl as we'll be using that package to create an example model. This example is derived from an example in StatisticalRethinking.jl.

Inclusion of MonteCarloMeasurements and AxisKeys in this script is for illustration purposes only (see ??read_samples in StanSample.jl).

It shows a few more features than the Bernoulli example in WALKTHROUGH.md.

N = 100
df = DataFrame(
    height = rand(Normal(10, 2), N),
    leg_prop = rand(Uniform(0.4, 0.5), N),
df.leg_left = df.leg_prop .* df.height + rand(Normal(0, 0.02), N)
df.leg_right = df.leg_prop .* df.height + rand(Normal(0, 0.03), N)

Define a variable stan6_1 to hold the Stan language model definition:

stan6_1 = "
data {
  int <lower=1> N;
  vector[N] H;
  vector[N] LL;
  vector[N] LR;
parameters {
  real a;
  vector[2] b;
  real <lower=0> sigma;
model {
  vector[N] mu;
  mu = a + b[1] * LL + b[2] * LR;
  a ~ normal(10, 100);
  b ~ normal(2, 10);
  sigma ~ exponential(1);
  H ~ normal(mu, sigma);

Create and compile a SampleModel object. By "compile" here is meant that SampleModel() will take care of compiling the Stan language program first to a C++ program and subsequantly compile that C++ program to an executable which will be executed in stan_sample().

m6_1s = SampleModel("m6.1s", stan6_1);

Above SampleModel() call creates a default model for sampling. See ?SampleModel for details.

The observed input data is defined below. Note here we use a NamedTuple for input:

data = (H = df.height, LL = df.leg_left, LR = df.leg_right, N = size(df, 1))

Generate posterior draws by calling stan_sample(), passing in the model and optionally data, initial settings and keyword arguments to influence how cmdstan will be called:

rc6_1s = stan_sample(m6_1s; data, seed=-1, delta=0.85);

if success(rc6_1s)
    ndf6_1s = read_samples(m6_1s, :nesteddataframe) # Combine arrays
    ndf6_1s[1:10, :] |> display

init = (a = 2.0, b = [1.0, 2.0], sigma = 1.0)
rc6_2s = stan_sample(m6_1s; data, init);

if success(rc6_2s)

    # Retrieve the summary created by the stansummary executable:

    read_summary(m6_1s, true)

    # For simple models often a DataFrame is attractive to work with:

    post6_1s_df = read_samples(m6_1s, :dataframe)
    post6_1s_df |> display

    # Or from MonteCarloMeasurements.jl:
    part6_1s = read_samples(m6_1s, :particles)
    part6_1s |> display

    # Use a NamedTuple:
    nt6_1s = read_samples(m6_1s, :namedtuple)
    nt6_1s |> display

    nt6_1s.b |> display

    # Compute the mean for vector b:

    mean(nt6_1s.b, dims=2)


Many more examples are provided in the Example subdirectories.

Additional examples can be found in StanSample.jl and StatisticalRethinking.jl.

StatisticalRethinking.jl add features to compare models and coefficients, plotting (including trankplots() for chains) and summarizing results (precis()).

MCMCChains.jl, part of the Turing ecosystem, provides additional tools to evaluate the chains.